How to Showcase Your Brand With LinkedIn Publisher

by Blair Evan Ball on September 25, 2014

LinkedIn PublishingHave you tried LinkedIn Publishing to gain more exposure?

Would you like more business people to see what you publish?

Top influencers like Richard Branson and Tony Robbins are already publishing on LinkedIn, so people are seeking out content on the platform to read. This cannot be said about your typical blog.  Recently LinkedIn made the decision to open up the publishing platform to all users.

Despite its awesome content marketing potential, the LinkedIn Publishing Platform is still new and understanding what makes a post on the platform perform well is in it’s infancy. The potential to be a thought leader and amplify your brand just increased.


With LinkedIn Publisher you can showcase your expertise within your own network. Chances are high, if you communicate effectively than the reach can be far greater than your network.

For example: PULSE is where articles are published that have high views by the network. If your article becomes popular enough than LinkedIn will push your article into the PULSE stream where it can reach, literally around the world.

No longer do you have to rely on media outlets to do the distribution, it’s right at your finger tips. The PROS of this is giving you control, the CONS are that you must be at the top of your game, day in and day out.


While not everyone on LinkedIn is looking for a job. A substantial part of LinkedIn’s revenues come from providing companies with HR solutions to recruit top talent. Gathering data about potential recruits is one of the best ways to make sure a potential hire is the right fit for a position.

In opening up the LinkedIn publishing platform, employers now not only have demographic information, but they also have the opportunity to showcase their…

  • Interests
  • Likes
  • Passions
  • Expertise

In their writing style on this publishing platform. This gives potential employees a glimpse of what their company culture is like. Employers can, in turn, examine the content, knowledge and expertise of prospective new employees.


According to current research done by Paul Shapiro, the length should be between 40-49 characters.  Those receive the most post views.

LinkedIn Performance-by-Title-Length-logo


We intuitively know that images gain more views, likes, +1’s, and shares on other social networks. What about LinkedIn?

Well it’s no different, but with LinkedIn Publisher you need to have many images.  Including 8 images when you publish on LinkedIn is associated with a greater number of LinkedIn shares, likes, comments, and views.

Always try to have an image at the very top of your post, almost like a header.

LinkedIn Number-of-Images-logo


Seems counterintuitive in this day and age of speed, and time. However, data bears out that the longer posts are shared more. Possibly because the time and effort it takes to write that long of a post requires preparation, thoughtfulness and commitment. Also, research is currently showing that 1 post a week might be optimal and is subject to change as we all know.

I’m sure there is a collective sigh of relief for the bloggers out there who write posts daily but are much shorter in length.


LinkedIn Shares by Post Length


You get data on all your followers, including a variety of data points. Your also able to see the positions, industries, and cities that make up my following.

Here’s another example of how I’m able to see data points about followers’ interactions with my content and its reach:

LinkedIn Views InformationHOW TO OR LIST HEADLINES

A good headline can make or break a post when you post on LinkedIn. It’s been no different with newspapers and media outlets who’ve know this for years. Sometimes it will take longer to come up with a headline than it will to write the post.

Study websites and bloggers who are masters of headlines. Buzzfeed comes to mind in the internet news space.

All social media marketers understand that an article lives or dies based on its headline and featured image. On LinkedIn, this principle is taken to the extreme—the way the LinkedIn interface is laid out places an inordinate amount of importance on titles and images.

Having a captivating image that plays nicely with your headline is something you should pay close attention to.


LinkedIn channels are basically categories that users can follow to see articles related to the topics they’re most interested in.

Your goal is to be featured on one of the 50 channels. However, you can only be featured once a week on that same channel, but if you post topic is for another channel, that’s all the better.

LinkedIn 50 ChannelsHow do I get a broader reach beyond my 1st Degree Connections? The key is being tagged.

There are 3 ways to get tagged:

(1) By The Algorithm
(2) By Editorial Pick
(3) By Working For LinkedIn


In order to get the maximum number of post views…

  • Your title should be be 40-49 characters long.
  • Include 8 images in your post.
  • Embed multimedia such as YouTube videos into your blog post sparingly until we know more how they will perform.
  • Write How-to posts. They perform the best. Also write a List post, from time to time. They don’t perform nearly as well as How-to posts. Avoid writing question posts.
  • Divide your post into 5 sections with headings (h1, h2, h3, etc.)
  • Write between 1,900 to 2,000 words.
  • Your writing should have a neutral tone.
  • Write your post so it can easily be understood by the masses
  • Publish your post on Thursday for maximum number of views. Some people say Tues. experiment.
  • Cross-promote your LinkedIn posts on Google+ & Twitter.
  • LinkedIn post likes are the common denominator between the other LinkedIn metrics. More post likes should also get you LinkedIn shares, post views, and comments according to correlation data. You can encourage people to like your post with a call to action.

Source: OkDork

Share your success stories about LinkedIn Publishing.

Be sure to check out our upcoming seminars.

1. Google My Business – Better Search Results in Google! [Sept. 17]
2. Tools & Apps for Business – Gain more hours. [Sept. 24]
3. YouTube & Video – Business Branding [Oct. 15]
4. Blogging – Generate leads & get new customers [Oct 29]
5. Twitter for Business – The fastest way to spread content [Nov. 11]
6. Facebook Ads – How to create, implement & gain sales [Nov. 19]

About Blair

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Blair Evan Ball is a Social Media Coach and founder of Prepare1, a company that works with businesses, individuals and non-profits. He is a former executive with a Fortune 50 company, and his national division did $1Billion in sales annually.

Blair has written three e-books: Facebook for Business Made Easy, Facebook Pages for Business Made Easy, and WordPress Blog Setup Made Easy.

Blair also educates, trains entrepreneurs and business professionals how to amplify their brand, increase revenues, and raise more funds.

The Complete Guide to InstagramThe Race is ON! – Get into the Game and WIN!


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