70% of all Social Media Plans Will Fail in 2011

by Blair Evan Ball on January 12, 2011

These numbers have been around and discussed for the past two years, from an actual study done by Gartner, an IT analyst firm. Yet discussions are emerging once again as we now enter 2011. Is Social Media really that much different than other goals and objectives that are set within an organization?

  • It’s hard to fail at something that is not clearly defined.
  • This goes beyond the Who, What, Where, When, Why…
  • Businesses that fail to prepare, are preparing to fail.
  • We see it in everyday life, yet fail to see the connection with Social Media Strategies.
  • They will suffer the same fate.

Most cultures in an organization will need to change for Social Media to work. It’s not a particular department, or monomaniac with a mission that will carry the day. It will be a cultural shift within an organization to embrace Social Media at the C-Suite and at the lowest level. To think otherwise is to be naive.

The primary driving force of organizational change is the global economy. The standard of quality is now so high that unless you have an empowered work force & a spirit of partnership with all stakeholders, you can’t compete, whether you work in the private sector, public sector, or social sector. Social Media Strategies must have interests of all the stakeholders and must be dealt with in a orchestrated way.

Leadership Charge: Credibility X Capability

You must be credible, and your employees must be capable. If you empower dummies you get dumb decisions faster. Capable organizations come from more talented and more committed employees.

1. Credibility: Does the leader have credibility with those he or she work with? Do individuals trust, respect, admire, and enjoy working for this leader.? Do those who work with this leader as subordinates, peers, customers, or supervisors feel a personal and emotional bond with him or her?

2. Capability: Does this leader have the ability to make the organization succeed? Does she or he have the ability to shape a vision, create commitment to the vision, build  a Social Media Strategy of execution, develop capabilities and hold people accountable for making things happen?

On these two simple dimensions should rest many leadership requirements of the future. If integrated into your Social Media Strategies, your success percentages will be enhanced.

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