How to Curate Content in a Busy World

by Blair Evan Ball on May 30, 2014

Content CuratorHow would you like to be able to curate more content?

Would it be benefit you to do it in the same amount of time or less?

Today we all hear about content, produce quality content, produce more content. Who has that creative mind to write all the time? Sometimes we get writer’s block, sometimes we don’t know where to look or what content to produce.  Enter Curated Content.


  • Content curation is sorting through a large amount of web content to find the best, most meaningful bits and presenting these in an organized, valuable way.

We’ve gone from wanting niche content to a one stop shop like Walmart.

Content curation is your hand picked content from your one stop shop.


With the internet, we are drowning in information. Some would call it information fatigue. Yet, there are those who seem to keep on producing, while others quietly go the way of irrelevance.

Here are some of the top ones I use as well as the PROS.


What’s the use of producing content if you don’t have a place to share. Keep focused on the message you are trying to convey. What do you want to be known for? How can you solve your customers problems? Set your goals and strategies and be very very clear about them. Yet remain flexible…WHY? By the time you read this Facebook has probably already made another change.

  • Blog
  • E-Newsletter
  • Company Newsletter
  • Guest Blog
  • Website
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn


Chartbeat CEO Tony Haile provides a number of fascinating insights on time and attention on websites and blogs. His Chartbeat tool measures the time spent actively engaged on a page, so he has data behind how much we read before we share an article.

Studying 10,000 socially-shared articles, Haile came to this conclusion:

  • There is no relationship whatsoever between the amount a piece of content is shared and the amount of attention an average reader will give that content.

Read Articles vs. Share

Take the extra time to read the valuable posts you’ve saved. Pick out your favorites, make notes. Use tools like Evernote or Pocket.


This alone can save you at least an hour a day in social media. If you are disciplined and can carve out time at the end of the week to gather and curate content. You can easily schedule your content for the following week in 15 minutes.

  • It’s not set it and forget it.

You must check in daily, develop a regimen that fits you and your schedule. Be committed and consistent. Respond and engage.

Overwhelming your audience all at once with a deluge of social media curated content will be harmful. Spread out your content. I use the following tools to schedule my content.

How often should you post? Here is research from Buffer that gives you some guidance.


What other tips do you have for curating content?

Source: Buffer

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Blair Evan Ball – Founder/CEO Prepare1

Social Media Coach Memphis


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